Welcome to FCC Students!

FCC Students is for REAL middle and high school students (7th-12th grade) who come together to live REAL LIFE with one another!

Questions, contact Bob or Lindsey Jones at bob@fccwarsaw.com  OR lindsey@fccwarsaw.com

Wednesday Nights

Join us for our weekly Wednesday night programming here at FCC for middle and high school students (grades 7-12) for games, worship, teaching, and small groups from 6:30-8:30 pm! 

Current Series!

God provides Christians with many opportunities to make a real difference in this world. This lesson series will help equip students to serve those around them, helping to meet the spiritual needs of others, while remaining grounded in their own faith by cultivating strong friendships with other believers.

This Week

Be Near, Oh God

Do you act differently at church versus at school or around your peers? "The Lord is near” is a vital part of our scripture tonight. Although tucked away in the middle of what Paul is saying, everything he says hinges on that single fact, those four little words. God was near to the Philippians, he was near to Paul, and He is near to us. That gives us something to think about. God is near all of the time! 


1. To help students realize the connections between Christian living and God's presence
2. To provide practical teaching on how to become closer to Christ
3. For students to be challenged to participate in a spiritual discipline to promote spiritual growth


Discipline, Spiritual Growth, Self-Control, Trust


Philippians 4:4-8

Sunday Mornings

9:15 am: Middle School and High School students are invited to attend the worship service. 

The IN-BETWEEN: Stay for coffee and refreshments that takes place between the two worship services.  

10:45 am:  Middle School & High School Class (Grades 7-12) meets in Room 120. 

FCC Students Summer Schedule
We will be meeting in homes every Wednesday evening starting May 29th. We connect and grow together through worship, bonfires, swimming, Bible study, outdoor games, food and a ton of fun activities!

This list of addresses for the schedule is password protected.

Go to FCC Students Summer Schedule

Email Lindsey@fccwarsaw.com to get the password for access. 

Follow our social media for more information or updates.